The Saturday School

Nurturing Prophetic Character

The Rawha Academy has developed a transformational programme for its Saturday School aimed at young children that embraces the essence of our faith. A team of well-qualified and experienced teachers and dedicated staff have developed a syllabus that has been designed to augment Sacred Learning with Sacred Sports to nurture chivalrous children.


What you will find at the Rawha Academy is distinctive ‘feel’, which makes us quite unique. We believe that the ‘special feel’ is to do with our caring, friendly atmosphere, which revolves around our staff and exceptional curriculum. Our Saturday School will continue to develop in many exciting ways InshaAllah, providing an even more enriching experience for all our children.


For our prospectus, please click here or the above image.

For our prospectus, click here



The teaching methodology involves the use of various techniques such as storytelling, hands-on activities, qaseeda singing, and analytical reasoning supplemented through a series of books and worksheets to help children truly love Islam, understand and internalise their faith, and prepare them to live Islam and practice it for life.

In the pursuit of excellence, the Rawha Academy aspires to develop children of character that embody the values of our faith in thought and action reflecting Sacred Prophetic Virtues and Morals.

The aim is to imbue a spirit of learning and love for our Creator, His Messenger, and for Islam.

The Rawha Academy programme will embrace the following:

  • Trained teachers
  • Small group sizes
  • Age range 6 – 12 year olds
  • Quran and Hadith that is weaved through the syllabus in the pursuit of Prophetic Character
  • Child-centered and structured learning environment.
  • Uses age-appropriate learning methods and materials to make learning enjoyable.
  • The pursuit of Character development that is manifested throughout every lesson
  • Islamic syllabus that is broad and balanced
  • Disciplines studied:

IMG_6644Arabic Literacy, Arabic Oracy, Islamic Studies, *Qaseeda / Nasheed Training

*Termly – As well as Islamic Art and Crafts, Sports (Archery, Wrestling, Ji-Jitsu, Swimming, Horse Riding).

There will be an initial assessment for each child to place them in their ability grouping, so that the Academy can effectively differentiate and individualise learning; as well as assessments running throughout the year.

Within the initial phases of the Academy we have planned a phased approach to expansion over the next 2 terms, by which time the Rawha Academy Saturday School will increase to 6 classes and have the space, staff and resources to absorb and cater for the increase in children numbers.


Abu Ad-Darda said,

“Verily, I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say: ‘Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, then Allah will easy for him the path to Paradise. Verily, the angels lower their wings for the seeker of knowledge.’”

Sunan Abu Dawud



In the pursuit of excellence, the Rawha Academy aspires to develop children of character that embody the values of our faith in thought and action reflecting Sacred Prophetic Virtues and Morals. The aim is to imbue a spirit of learning and love for our Creator, His Messenger, and for Islam.

Our vision for the Rawha Academy Saturday School reflects a passionate commitment to learning and recognition of the uniqueness of individual learners. It is driven by our desire to offer the best possible education for our children in partnership with parents, our teachers and the local community.


image35OUR ETHOS

Our educational efforts are aimed at shaping the minds and hearts of our children according to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Towards this end, children are introduced by stages to the Holy Quran, Hadith, Seerah, Fiqh, the lives of the Sahabah, and the lives of the greatest religious, scholarly and historical figures from the history of Islam.

The teaching of Arabic is an integral part of the Academy. This opens pathways to a deeper understanding of the Holy Quran, creates a deeper sense of community amongst Muslims, and strengthens the spiritual bonds with the Muslim Ummah.

The teachers and school staff are mentors for our children. We therefore consider it imperative that they combine the highest proficiency in their fields of knowledge with the character and outlook that the Academy seeks to create in our children.

The Rawha Academy Saturday School serves its community by working in partnership to provide an education of the highest quality within the context of Islamic belief and practice, and understanding of shared values.



At the Rawha Academy we aim at providing an education that is rooted and embellished by the Quran and Sunnah and by drawing upon the noblest Islamic traditions of ‘Ilm (Knowledge), ‘Ibadah (Worship), ‘Ihsan (Excellence) and ‘Adl (Justice), and we seek to inculcate these values in our children.

Values are fundamental expressions of what we think and believe. At the Rawha Academy Saturday School we will encourage children to think about their Islamic personal and social values, to become aware of, and involved in the life and concerns of their community and society, and so develop their capacity to be active and effective future citizens.



Inspirational, committed?and talented teachers will focus on the academic success and character development of every student, acting as real role models.

All teachers will be trained to make all teaching relevant, inclusive, purposeful, and exciting; with a aim to nurture righteous children.


The Rawha Academy Saturday School curriculum comprises all of the learning and other experiences that we plan for our children. The central aims of our cu